Monday, August 10, 2015



What behind the smile of Monalisa up to recently, after along, a lots of analysis never come up to a similar understanding, leaving questions of what really Da Vici think when he paint the canvas with this sketches of lips, eyes.

It was happened in real life, we never know for sure what behind in every smile. Is really come out of a happiness life or a false or hypocrite way of life of someone.

The poem below is a real story that I realized later after I wrote a poem about a lady who still mourned after her husband passed away last January 2010. Poem titled is "A broken handkerchief ". I had assumed that she grief endlessly by missing her hubby. She kept his handkerchief in her wallet along wherever she go, for remembrance. Poem "Monalisa smile" is a second series correlated to the first one.
Astonished to know as I realized later after a short communication with the lady that she never fall in love whatsoever with her husband in their 18 years of marriage relationship with 3 handsome boys. She said :"I never feel what love really means", she said since she married still so young, in 21 years with a senior man she didn't know beforehand. It was her parents plan to forced her to married him.

In her grown ages, she still wishing someone from a lots of man who came approaching could have electricity or a chemistry, so to understand what "love" really meaning and turn her Monalisa smile to a smile in love, a true love. Below the poem verses in English and in Indonesia as well.

A broken bell ringing from up hill
Wedding a star girl and charming senior
Framed her lips in Monalisa smile
To honor guests in shock, questioning

The senior lead the path away
Through tunnels and up down roads
Kept smile along the way while weeping
Out poured from the broken heart
Wedding forced by loving parents

Earthquake rocking almost two decades
Unable to melting down lava of love
Just wipe out cold water flooding
I am sorry can't return your true love

Cold mountain killed me lonely
Wishing hug, holding  tight
Between a lots of friends curve lips
Any one able to switch 
From Monalisa smile to a smile of love

Below the original poems 


Dari hulu kampung berdentang lonceng retak
Bersanding kembang desa dan Pangeran berkumis putih
Bibir, mata dibingkai senyum Monalisa
Menyapa mereka yang terpana, bertanya

Dengan sabar Pangeran menuntun
Dijalan berliku dan naik turun
Dalam tangispun tetap tersenyum
Pendaman hati yang terjajah diam

Getaran gempa menjelang dua dasawarsa
Tak mampu mengalirkan lava cinta
Cuaca dingin menggigit sepi

Mimpikan hangatnya pelukan
Diantara banyak canda tawa 
Adakah Pangeran yang menggetarkan hati
Merubah senyum Monalisa jadi senyum cinta

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