Tuesday, August 11, 2015



My red lipstick lips curve
My hand iron carefully
Folding a blue sky handkerchief
My special body perfume
Smelt inside in the inner of the sheet 
I bought five months ago before he go

His mouth  wiping  after appetizer
Sweating rubs his forehead and neck
Stop a while in the nose, smelt
Inhaling the only perfume he knew
No other smell, no red lipstick stain

Today the autumn is over
Twelve full moon after you passed away
Without leaving message at all,
As usual  

My eyes glancing every single rooms
Your face painting in everywhere
Your joking gesture left anywhere
Honey, can't you see from above
This handkerchief can't hold any longer
My flooding tears shed

In silent, longing of you, I see the moon
Out of the glass window of our room
Full of momento things
I rub gently this handkerchief, broken by now
I kept your body smelt, no more rinse
Kissing, hugging and took wherever I go
Never let it go

I kept your handkerchief in my broken heart
Just like hold you so tight
I don't aware my mascara fade away
Yes, the handkerchief is broken
But my love for you lasting forever

Bibirku tersenyum sendu
 Kulipat pelan sapu tangan biru muda
Bau parfum di pori poriku 
Sama seperti aroma dipintalan benangnya
Yang kubeli lima bulan sebelum kau tiada

Mulut dibersihkan seusai appetizer
Keringat diusap di dahi dan di leher
Lalu berlabuh dihidung
Menghirup aroma badanmu

Hari ini musim pancaroba telah usai
Duabelas purnama kau telah pergi
Tanpa membisikkan pesan,
tidak seperti biasanya

Mataku nanar menatap tiap ruangan
Bayangmu ada dimana mana
Sayang, dapatkah kau lihat sapu tangan ini
Tak mampu lagi menampung banjir air mata

Dalam hening, kulepas rindu

Dari jendela kaca kamar kita,
yang penuh foto kenangan
Saputangan yang telah robek kini,
tak lagi kucuci
Kudekap ke manapun aku pergi

Kusimpan di bilik hati yang terluka

Seperti memeluk, dia yang telah tiada
Tak terasa maskaraku berembun basah
Sapu tangan memang robek sudah
Tetapi cintaku tetap abadi sepanjang masa

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