Monday, August 10, 2015


By design, God bless my parent
To raise me up, let me sail
Even as the only son
To go for my dream

A next milestone set
In between volcano and Sultanate
Student of reputable college
With knowledge and humble heart
By working hard,
step up a high ladder
For the sake of the family
For up coming sunset

By nurture, raise up sweet kids
Send beyond country border
The best school as prefer 
For full independent
By God bless,
to see my kids a happy couples
With a bright job positions
I had fought a good fight
I had finished the race
I had kept the faith
                                                  Dreams come true

Various comments beyond my expectation and unconscious such positive impact, inspired to some of them.
I really feel blessed  share my own life journey to others, even never met before

  • Mr. Fredy, Surabaya:
Nice poetry...I'm so interested to the end of it.."I had fought a good fight,I had finished the race,I had kept the faith"...It has been reflecting how great you invite Jesus' interference in your life is.Thank you very much,Mr.Pinondang Situmeang.You inspire me so much...JBU
  • Mrs. Enny Whites, Queensland:
You are full of inspiration, Ama. I'm sure your family is very proud of you and your achievement. I'm very pleased to be able to call you FRIEND. Thanks for tagging me. Have a lovely day,...... :)
  • Uwie Bungsurabani, Bandung, West Java
You are my inspiration...Just one in my mind you are the goooooooood father. Its so special for me. Terima kasih sudah menjadi Guru yang baik (Indonesia), means Thanks to be a good Teacher

  • Mrs. Anne Sthalie Awang, The Netherland:
What crossed to her mind when reading my poem is a song for a good father :Bung Pin, they have a song for all the good parents "YOU RAISE ME UP ". its very good song from West Life.....

  • Arye Mira M, Jakarta:
Truly extraordinary struggle yourself
you've learned from the hard work yourself
stay humble and strong in faith
God has always guided you with His Love...GBU

  • Vera Goodchild, J akarta :
Beautiful!!! The beauty of real life framed as beautiful as its poem.
Thanks for tagging me Tulang :
  • Mrs. Naniek Trickey from Washington State :
    You are blessed with wonderful children
  • Mr. Wahyu W Basjir : Homage to parents, never fails to touch me straight to the heart
  • Mr.Bambang Pinuji, East Java :Lovely poem, the race of my life just half of it.
  • Bella Kendy Purba, Bandung, West Java said :
    "Nice poem Uncle, there is too many poet about mother, but not about Father".

  • Mrs.Dewi Linggasari, Asmat, Papua  : The so long trip in poem. Good luck

    Some friends (14), show me respect by thumb their finger up:
    Widyastuty Widijono, Nia Erni Miha Balo, Angelica Gay Fang, Pelangi senja, Yulius Tarigan, Nita Soepardjan, Mey Mey Simarmata,  Aan Suradi Landena, Rike Jokanan, Mey Situngkir, Sherly Kilapong, Donna Connie, Willas Litik, Yulius Leonarta Tarigan

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