Monday, August 10, 2015



Scattered stars in the sky
Cloud hanging in between the tree
May born behave boys 
and sweet beautifull girls

Tie a group of cows,
only by whistle
As your beard grown white,
guided by grown grandchilds  

Month turn to years
Wherever you may walk
got what you dreaming of

The branches may grow strong,
with green leafes
Brother in law may grow well
with daughters as well

Water well flow endlessly,
clear for instant drink
We all happy and well being 
wherever we go get blessing

May your descendant like the stars
Live crowded up the village
Full of smiles while dancing
Still going strong with white hairs


Bintang na rumiris
ombun na sumorop.
Sai tubu dihamu anak riris,

boru pe antong ma torop.

Andor hadukka,

togu-togu ni lombu.

Sai sahat hamu saurmatua.

togu-toguan ni pahompu.

Tumbur ni pangkat,

tu tumbur ni hotang.

Tusi Hamu mangalangka,

tusi dapotan pangomoan.

Sai torop ma dangkana,

rugun dohot bulungna.

Horas jala gabe hula-hulana,

sogon i dohot boruna.

Simbora gukguk,

di julu ni tapian,

Horas jala gabe hita luhut,

jala dapotan parsaulian.

Tubu sanggar di hobuk-hobuk,


di dolok ni Purbatua.

Sai tubu di hamu anak dohot boru,

unang panahitnahiton,

jala dongan saurmatua.

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