Monday, August 31, 2015




Cool quite morning
Piano guide our step slowly 
Over the red carpet to the altar
Hand in hand in a queen dress

My baby's arm and soul
Hand over to her loving spouse
United by God

A long color scarf spread
And kissing the cheeks
Blink back tears not to shed
When I sing 'Good bye my baby' *)

Loving souls full in the ball room
Scarfs shouldered, symbol of love
Lots of prayers and blessing
Memory of loving families
After the sun set
Kiss me good bye, whisper
Good bye Daddy, I love you

A black Mercedes move slowly
Turn left into the dark
Take a half of my soul
I stand still nailed, 


Indonesian Version

Alunan denting piano
Mengiringi langkah langkah kecil
Aku dan anakku bergandengan
Menuju altar

Dijung karpet merah
Tangannya kuserahkan
Disambut penuh lupe cinta
Calon suami pujaan hati

Dengan resmi menjadi suami
Diikuti adat tradisi
Penuh untaian pepatah indah
Dan musik menyayat hati

Bait bait sendu kutembangkan
Selembar ulos kusampirkan
Borhat ma dainang *)
Ke kampungmu yang baru

Rembang menjelang petang
Roda mercy berderik pelan
Menikung digegelapan
Aku terpaku ...kehilangan

*) Selamat jalan putriku

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